Wednesday, March 05, 2008

I wish the real world would just stop hassling me.

every spring semester (or every as in for the past three years) during midterms I begin watching a new show that I've been reluctant to take on as part of my regular viewing activities out of a) fear that I will become addicted to said show and want to do nothing else but watch said show or b) sheer embarrassment (see sophomore year). spring 2006 saw the viewing of not one but four seasons of 24. I didn't own the dvds, so my goodest friend, nora, lent them to me. by the second week of march, she was limiting my consumption to one disc per day (flashback: erin, seriously, four episodes in one sitting is enough. go study for your french midterm. me: MAIS J'AI BESOIN DE REGARDER MAINTENANT). last year, I secretly watched seasons one and two of dawson's creek (okay, I watched them with my suite. but I have told no one about that. privileged information).

which brings us to this spring. I have resisted LOST for the past ... well I guess four years. now it has practically destroyed my will to do anything else except watch and watch and watch. oh, and produce varsity show. now that I can "guiltlessly" partake in new media viewing (not that I wasn't watching during the wga strike and didn't really feel bad about it), my schoolwork has literally fallen off the stove behind the back burner (where my laundry is boiling away). miraculously, I am skating by in all my classes ala tonya harding pre-crazies.

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