Thursday, January 03, 2008

the return

remember that time I had a blog and didn't write in it for three months??


lesson learned for fall 2007: producing three shows leaves little/no time for blogging. c'est la vie.

currently in los angeles for break. brief intermission to learn skeet shooting in texas. now watching my nineteenth (wish I was joking) episode of 'america's next top model.' vh1 has the greatest reality television on the air. it is shamelessly entertaining with just the right amount of self-awareness. I like to imagine vh1 execs laughing at their ratings because they know how many of us watch their base programming. and then there's dancing and a sweet light show (you know, in my imagination).

today was spent driving around looking for my beloved twin peaks box set. a best buy, two targets, and a blockbuster later, my hands remain woefully empty. amazon, here I come. (I was able to distract myself with a die hard trilogy and 30 rock season 1 purchase).

dear 2008: prepare to be compared in every way to 2007, which was, quite possibly, one of my favorite years in its entirety. best ever spring, summer, and fall. this year, I resolve to photo document and cook more. and build a reading nook.

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