Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Bring it, Spring 2007. And Something About Enchiladas.

It's one thing to start a new semester with the anticipation of auditions, casting, and getting (or not getting) the right for a new show. It's a whole 'nother enchilada (I don't know) to already be in the throws of one. Granted, it's different and exciting to already have your shit together, and have a "kind of" grasp on what's going on (although V-Show is another beast altogether ... enchilada?), but I've lost that first "shopping" period week where I can kind of get into my groove (spanish groove? salsa? more enchiladas?) and evaluate classes, etc., before jumping into everything (or in my case, setting up camp on Lerner 5).

Classes are all good so far -- I'm already not paying attention in Environmental Science, preoccupied with my colored pencil options for the semester: Crayola or RoseArt? 12-pack or 24-pack? Do a get a fun sharpener? What am I having for lunch today? Is Joey sexually frustrated with Dawson, and does she secretly want to have a threesome with Andy and Jen?

American Fiction (aka AmFic - a title which was immediately, and rightfully, vetoed by the entire suite) is awesome so far. The English major nerd inside of me gets impossibly giddy when looking at the syllabus. (Are you judging me right now? Is it the Dawson's Creek reference? Because I know there is a nerd inside you, too. Come on. People in glass houses...)

Upcoming highlight - we're starting LateNite very very soon. With new people on the E-Board and a fresh anthology, it's sure to be an amazing semester. Especially since we have so many valuable seniors graduating. Looking forward to drunken performances and some damn good (and kinda good) original student theatre. It really is what life's all about.

Back to reading. Another thing about the first week of the semester - take a picture because this is probably the only time the entire semester where I will actually do all of my reading and do it on time. I'm taking this opportunity to also ignore the fact that almost all of my papers are due in the last two weeks of April. Let's just pretend that is not going to happen.

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