Thursday, November 23, 2006

The Luckiest

Wait, there's an actually holiday that celebrates eating an exorbitant amount of delicious food, AND everyone has to stop their bitching and complaining for an entire 24-hour period? Can you believe it!?

In the spirit of bwog, here are some things I am thankful for:

plimpton 11B
the girls from my floor last year
ben folds
my never ending supply of starbuck's markouts
when the lerner elevator is there when you call it
sunday rehearsals
the freezer section at appletree
feeling smart in my poetics class
original student theatre that doesn't require rights
new friends
food network
the latenite 11PM saturday show
cast bonding
impromptu dance parties
eating pancakes at tom's while sober
juniors (for not graduating yet)
my seniors

Nothing to really complain about. My parents are paying for me to live in Manhattan with some of my best friends, and I don't have to work. I just go to school, go to rehearsal, and party to my heart's content. I'm so fucking lucky.

Gobble, gobble. Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I (Can't Commit To A Real Emotion) You

My always brilliant Poetics professor said something so intriguing to our class on Monday that I will be stopping the progress on my looming ten page Modernism paper (wait, progress? I meant procrastination. Whatever, those words share a lot of the same letters) to ponder it further.

The word "like" is a horrible word. It lacks commitment. It lacks transformation. I hate similes. They pervade bad poetry, and they don't create a concrete comparison because the author is unwilling to say that you are the sun to his heliocentric universe, only that you may or may not perhaps kinda resemble the sun to his heliocentric universe.

"I like you."

What does that even mean? Sure, it carries with it a positive connotation, but what else? I prefer you? I have interest in you? I hold some type of feeling that I'm unwilling to accept and therefore will not voice it for you? We have become so attached to this word "like" that we use it as a space filler, unable to trust our own word choice enough to eliminate it. We're so careful about what we say to other people that we can't even give them definitive accounts of what we ate for breakfast. (I, like, was too busy cramming for my French exam to even eat a, like, bagel.)

Okay. So. "I like you." It's more than scary to think about the other ways this sentiment can be expressed. "I love you." Too much commitment. "I care for you" Too maternal. "I lust for you." ...Probably the most accurate, but that can almost be just as bad.

"I'm interested in you. We should get to know each other better." We've become so attached to this word "like" and our "games" and we can't even commit to a sentence as simple as this. We are so scared of the complete vulnerability and transformation that occurs with the elimination of the word "like" that we would sooner live in the silence of our interest/love/lust than put that kind of commited statement out on the table.

Better to pine than commit to a real emotion.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I Do Everything

The rumors are true.

I got varsity.


Monday, November 06, 2006

Fall Break My Spirit


Well, October, you were not my friend. Midterms, Melodrama, My Show Not Getting Rights...

You sucked.

But, lately, I've been looking on the bright side and balancing the whole thing. Producing TTB/Two Weeks was the best decision I have ever made, and one of the best college experiences I have had thus far. I have met some incredible people. I have never laughed or cried or partied as hard as I have these past two months. I am genuinely thankful that I had this opportunity.

That said, I'm looking forward to not working with MTI for a while.

Enter Varsity Show!

I'm interviewing for the Assistant Producer position in the next couple weeks. For whatever reason, I am so completely invested with the idea of being a part of 113. We can ignore the fact that I will also be producing LateNite more or less by myself, and that I will in all likelihood be on the NSOP 2007 Committee. And taking a full courseload. And figuring out how I'm studying abroad Spring 2008.

This weekend is Fall Break. I had every intention of spending every waking moment in Avery among the horribly pretentious Columbia grad students, but I went to Connecticut on a whim instead. Which resulted in one my favorite college memories. I can't think of a better group of people to spend time with. I really needed the time off, and I'm ready to face the rest of the semester (more or less) mentally intact.

It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is already two weeks away. I'm already discussing Spring Break plans (cross-country road trip in a Winnebago). There's so much to look forward to. Including pit tickets to Death Cab and Ted Leo on Wednesday.

And for the first time in quite a while, I can say that I'm happy to be where I'm at. That's a good thing.