Thursday, July 20, 2006

Post-Adolescent Pondering

I remember when I was a little kid and used to think "Wow, grown-ups are so funny, serious about the right things, cool in all the right ways, and get to wear sweater sets. I can't wait to be just like them."

Then, when I was thirteen, I was all "Fuck grown-ups. They don't know shit about shit."

Then, when I was sixteen, I thought "Wow, I can't wait to be a grown-up and not have to deal with this petty sixteen-year-old-girl drama."

And now, as I gracefully enter my twenties, I have discovered that grown-ups are the same as kids and teenagers, with all their same insecurites and drama, only with better shoes and coordinating outfits. And dishwashers. And a better chance in hell of actually getting any Social Security when they retire.

And thus ends my pseudo-intellectual drivel sermon for the day.

I'm going to go watch PeeWee's Playhouse on Adult Swim.

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