Saturday, July 22, 2006

Mini-Road Trip to San Diego

I will tell you this: driving to Carlsbad for three hours in traffic with a car that not only does not have air-conditioning, but when you turn it on it blows ninety degree air in your sweaty face, is a very long time. Luckily, my bestest friend Kelsey, and I know how to make the most of our soaked backs and sweaty knees by completely ignoring our perfect wavy bed-head/shockingly glossy 'do's and rolling down the windows while belting "Defying Gravity" to the other air-conditioning-challenged drivers with their windows down on the I-5.

Upon our arrival in Carlsbad, which took longer than expected, for my trusty "double true" Google Map directions betrayed me, making us look for an exit, which does, in fact, not exist (damn you Parnell, I guess you were too busy macking on some Magnolia cupcakes), we searched for the nearest location that had air-conditioning.

And that location happened to be Jack-In-The-Box.

Okay, normally I would never set foot in a Jack-In-The-Box, but the promise of a heavy, constant draft of cold air made me quickly abandon any scruples I had, and I embraced the greasy goodness and sharp wit of their placemats, a genius excerpt of which I have convenient placed below:

"For millions of years, it was simple. Breakfast happened whatever time you were lucky enough to bag a wooly mammoth. Morning, noon or night. No one said "Sorry, sir. We stop serving mammoth at 10:30 AM." Now we're so 'advanced' you can put a DVD player in your wallet, but if you want eggs and sausage in the afternoon, people treat you like a caveman."

This placemat made the three hours in the car (plus my not having gotten any sleep due to working at Starbuck's before dawn) almost completely worth it.

I guess seeing Jordy Lievers after eight months in her incredible portrayal of Princess Winnefred in Once Upon A Mattress that made the rest of the trip worth while.

I guess.

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