Monday, June 18, 2007

your moment of zen.

working 55 hours a week is hard. it's a long time. especially when you're not getting paid for nearly half of them (but the experience is invaluable ... I mean, right? right?) things that are keeping me through:

a) I finally saw 'eurydice' (ie the show I'm front-of-housing for 2st that I'd heard three times before seeing the visuals synced with the loud and glorious sound cues.) I took jordy (who is living in my kitchen in a sick-ass-sweet nook that she fashioned) for freee (because sometimes being an intern rules hard), and it was incredible. post-show, we decided to numb any lingering desire to pontificate on the all too regular themes of love and loss (as deftly and deeply as they were portrayed in sarah ruhl's play. I mean, she won the macarthur genius grant for chrissakes.) with a trip to dale and thomas. I had never heard of said confection-ary (save what I read of it on her blog), and was not prepared for the salty sweetness we were about to consume. oh did I say consume? I meant devour. nay, obliterate. peanut butter and white chocolate drizzle? ughhh so delicious, and nearly worth the hours of stomach pain experienced post gorge-fest.

b) the tonys. no surprises (except for one, which I still believe didn't actually happened, and that raul esparza is going home to his beautiful tony every night after his 8PM 'company' performance because he rightfully deserved it ... but more on that later.)

c) graight nyc. nuff said.

d) spending nearly every night of the week drinking chablis (don't be fooled, it's almost always franzia. I've come to embrace it) and playing 'celebrity,' a taboo-charades-like game we take entirely too seriously (not to say that I don't take it seriously. from the outside, I'm sure we all look insane when we are madly gesticulating and making outlandish grunting noises in order to portray chelsea clinton) at the eiffel tower (aka chez keenan-shure-mende-siedlecki).

e) working at rosebud with hadley, francesca, and leda. maybe you thought I was exaggerating when I said we just have to stand and be trendy. we also dance around to charlotte gainsberg and read 'escape from polygamy' aloud from the latest glossy issue of 'glamour' magazine.

f) the richard serra exhibit at moma. overwhelming, magnificent, and beautiful. AND FUCKING META. FUCK YES.

g) yelonyc. you may ask, 'erin, why on earth would you pay 15$ for a nap? why?' well 1) 500-thread-count sheets 2) chair that makes you weightless 3) cashmere blankets 4) simulated sunrise to wake you up 5) ...I'm insane. maybe I take naps entirely too seriously, and I stopped taking them this semester, because it was just easier to sleep 3 hours a night instead of being awake all the time with taking 20 minute naps here and there.

h) and I leave you with this. oh george michael bluth. I love you. ever so much.

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