Sunday, May 06, 2007

awww we're halfway there...

good things -

1) done with french. forever. for. ever.
2) got a job. at a boutique in soho. where I get to stand. and be trendy. and leda and hadley and francesca are working there. we will stand. and be trendy. together.
3) got mother's day gift at said boutique.
4) checked out summer housing assignment (in 600)- HUGE room with a HUGE common room and a HUGE kitchen and HUGE windows and a NEW bathroom. oh wait. I don't know who my roommate is or what I'm going to do without air conditioning. still. good things.
5) I'm almost done with science. forever. for. ever.
6) all I want to do is listen to "shakey dog" over and over and over again.
7) one more "exam" (oh please it's open book and it'll probably just ask me what my favorite crayon color is. but, shit, I won't remember. is it red? is it blue? I DON'T EVEN KNOW) tomorrow and then one more EXAM on tuesday (oh, jennie kassanoff, you may fool us all for the entire semester with your quips and fantastic ensembles, but you were just baiting us on only to shatter our entire enjoyment of the class with your epic beast of a final.
8) one more paper. that I really have mostly written. in my head... however, it's due on saturday. hopefully will be writing that wayy before then so I can enjoy the rest of my days before I go back to LA for two weeks.

it got cold again. since making the transition to mostly spring/summer clothing, I can't seem to make logical sweater choices. embrace the faux-pas.

more ghostface and environmental science. power duo.

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