Sunday, April 08, 2007

update from my (varsi-)life.

okay. I don't know if ambitious can be used as a euphemism, but when I describe my current state of life to my friends, family, etc. the only word they seem to come up with is "ambitious," as in "my my my, young erin, how ambitious are we?" do they mean "crazy" "insane" "ludicrous"? I am none of these things. I am never bored. how bad can that possibly be?

also, I find it interesting that every time I say "yea, I've been really busy; sorry I haven't had time to call you back/meet with you for coffee/send you that Columbia sweatshirt you asked for in january (and my grandmother was surprisingly nice about that)" people automatically respond with "yea, varsity show will do that to you." ironically (paradoxically?), though varsity show has taken up nearly 113% of my time, it hasn't stressed me out. at all. I have never felt so on top of my shit as I have this semester. maybe because I'm standing on a high wire above a tank filled with sharks with lasers a-top their heads. who knew that acrobatics could be so much fun.

I celebrated my twentieth birthday a week ago with "byrne's boozy brunch birthday: an alliteration celebration." I must say that one very long complicated train ride + 22 of my favorite people in the universe + unlimited mimosas + delicious delicious food that I was, incidentally, too drunk to eat = a very happy erin and a very happy birthday. though the seating arrangement was not very conducive to cohesive collaborative group conversation (oh my alliteration-themed birthday), I very much enjoyed the company, and I really didn't think it was possible to trump last year's 18-pitchers-of-sangria-at-symposium-bash, my inebriation before 1PM and my drunken state at columbia club rehearsal definitely put it over the top. although, I probably could have done without the hangover at 7PM.

we're entering into the home stretch. these were the four weeks that I was both looking forward to and fearing the most, and now that they're almost here (!!), I cannot seem to wrap my mind around their looming presence. I'm approaching the end of a) 113 - one of the most valuable rewarding and amazingly amazing experiences of my young life and b) the school year - bringing with it the loss of some of the most amazing people I have met and grown/learned to love. fair enough - I can't really call their graduating a "loss" because most are staying within a 50 block radius. however, with their "absence" (better word choice), I'm becoming more and more aware of the fact that I have almost finished two years of college. half done. halfway to real life. gulp!!

on a happier note - I celebrated easter by eating meat for the first time in nearly four months. stomach ache and bloating aside? totally worth it. back to water and exlax before vshow.

1 comment:

jordy said...

thank you for ending on a she's all that reference.
and, just curious...
you very much enjoyed the company, and you really didnt think it was possible to WHAT last year...?
pun intended or freudian slip?
i am grinning slightly maniacly (whatever, i cant spell. you get the point: like a maniac.)and raising my eyebrows up and down really fast. muahahaha.