Sunday, September 10, 2006

Weekend Update

You may be wondering where I wandered off to. Between classes and being a first-time producer and partying (a lot) I haven't had very much time to think, much less blog. So let's see if I can make sense of the past ten days or so, and you will all see that although I may have gone crazy, I have not yet fallen off the edge of the earth.

a. I may be taking 19 credits again this semester. I'm starting to think that if I don't have an exorbitant amount of reading to do that I think I don't have any work at all. (ie, I'm a masochist).

b. We finally cast our show. I am so utterly thrilled about our team now I want to squeal with delight.

c. Auditions were the nightmare I imagined them to be. We had twenty people audition the first night and sixty the second night. Callbacks were a breeze though, the people we cast might as well have been wearing signs with their roles around their necks when they walked in. Again, I want to squeal with delight.

d. I'm thrilled that I'm producing a show. It combines everything I love about creative vision and anal retentive organization. It might be my calling.

e. Although, I could go without the nightmares where the Lerner website Event Management System turns into a fire-breathing monster and tries to eat me in my sleep and I wake up realizing that I haven't slept in the past three days, and that I've just been hallucinating.

f. I completely forgot that for the Trust Entrepreneurial Internship Program I'm in, I have to set up an independent study with a sociology/women's studies professor so I can write a thesis this semester. Crap? I have to do this by Friday. Crap? Oh, shit?

g. There is a boy situation happening right now that is so grossly complicated I can't even convey to you the stress it is bringing to my life. Why, oh God, why? Don't you know that I'm taking 19 credits and trying to fight off imaginary space request monsters?

That's pretty much it.

Oh. and h. After not having a hangover from our first cast-bonding party last night, I'm pretty sure I'm incapable of getting one. This is a good thing.

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