Sunday, July 09, 2006

Live From New York (or ...Los Angeles, at least until August 21)

After four (long) years touring the LiveJournal circuit, I've decided to cut my post-pre-adolescent-emo-angsty-self free, and embrace the only slighty less self-absorbed world of Blogger. Only now can I truly spread my wings and embark on a non-stop flight to adulthood and self-discovery.

Or, you know, not.

I mean, why ignore another seemingly innocuous internet obsession? Blogger! I invite you to inhabit and conquer my soul! Because if I don't find some means of escape for the next forty-some days, I might find myself in some crazed, drug induced coma, surrounded by friends crying "Such a pity! She was so young!," with others perusing my CD and DVD collections in the background (just happy I could make some kind of contribution...).

Hmm, some business?

A word from your friendly neighborhood Starbuck's Barista: If you're ordering a "regular" coffee, and I gleefully ask you what size you would like, don't look at me from across the bar with burning contempt in your rolling eyes, while sighing "GRANDE," as if I missed the memo stating the word "regular" can now be used synonymously with "grande," and squishing your face into one of extreme annoyance because you think you've already told me the size of your coffee, and you cannot believe I could have the kind of audacity as a lowly Barista to question your obvious authority on the lingo I spent sixty hours learning in training. Do you see my certified barista pin?

Or maybe that's just my iced-venti-five-shot-eight-pump-sugar-free-hazelnut-soy-latte causing all my edginess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I love you.