Saturday, July 29, 2006

Dear (John) Summer

Dear Summer 2006,

I'm really and truly sorry that things haven't really worked out between us. I've been working forty to fifty hours a week, and I just don't have the time I used to have to dick around with you and your sandy Southern California beaches. Although, it might have been nice for you to turn down the thermostat a little bit around it. It has been hotter than Hades the past few weeks. If I wanted humidity, I would have stayed on the east coast.

I also really appreciate you taking the time and this particular summer to put close to all of my friends at a stone's throw distance. Oh no, wait. That's not right at all. Everyone's in Africa or England or Chicago or south Indiana or New York. Thank you for making it so convenient to sit down with friends and get coffee. Nope, no wait, I'm at home on a Friday night watching Ready, Set, Cook! because everyone's at least one time zone away.

And instead of filling my life with the friends I know and love, you have actually caused my loneliness to grow so great as to make me feel left out of social functions with people I don't even like. Now that's just cruel. And sad (for me).

Thank you for allowing me to wake up at 335AM nearly everyday of every weekend to go serve coffee to ungrateful-rude-undercaffeinated-people I don't even know.

And thank you, above all things, for allowing me to finally be interesting in someone three weeks before I have to leave for school again. You are truly awesome and have my best interests at heart.

Erin Siobhan

PS If I weren't going to see Kelly Clarkson on Tuesday with my best friend, we wouldn't even be on speaking terms.

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