Saturday, September 22, 2007

misery, new york

train ride on the 1 to 72nd because there's no weekend express: $2

upon exiting subway station, you notice it has spontaneously (in a not so spontaneous new york way) begun to rain, so you buy your ninth black umbrella from the subway magazine stand guy: $4

feeling your (dry) victory literally being washed away by a speedy yellow cab splashing a newly formed puddle all over your dress (and you're reminded of the little miseries you love that you can only find in manhattan): priceless

there are just some things money can't buy.

Friday, September 21, 2007

well, hey! I'm alive!

basically, it makes more sense to write a blog than watch four more episodes of 'top chef.' ...slash I will be watching four more AFTER I write this blog.

things I have time to do: all my reading/assignments, produce into the woods, produce latenite, PR for cupal, get a producer callback for 114, buy seven liters of bad wine for 28$ and drink it in mcbain, think about the role of religion/God in my life in light of reading pico/ficino and my 'literary approaches to the bible' class, read all of my blog feeds on igoogle, drink three large iced coffee per day (minimum)

things I do not have time to do: clean my room (not in the sense that my room is so small that even my bag on the floor makes it look messy. no no, like in the sense 'hey erin how have you possibly been able to live here for A MONTH without setting up your room), laundry (although I did three loads yesterday, but it is still spilling out onto the floor from the basket re: item one in this list series), send in $400 worth of rebates from my new computer (SORRY MOM), buy groceries (it would be nice to eat something besides honey nut cheerios), sleep

even though I have no time to do the things that make me a civilized human being (ie be neat, eat and sleep), the former list compilation brings me such joy and happiness that I don't really care about the piles and piles of crap on my dormroom floor. hey, my bed is five feet off the ground.

things I will make time for: blog? sleep? community service? WORLD DOMINATION

yea, it's all that not sleeping. time for more top chef. season two > season one.