Tuesday, July 24, 2007

summer showers

first of all, what the EFF is with all this EFFIN' rain? okay, I know I'm from the desert, but this is getting silly and ridiculous. I've never seen so much rain in july. it's SUMMER. where is my MISERY AND HUMIDITY? the terrible tradeoff I was SUPPOSED to have made for the greatest summer of all time in the greatest city in the world.

naaanner, naaanner?

today's realizations (why in roman numerals? WHY NOT):

I) when did I become a musical theatre geek? looking at my recently played tracks on itunes, I have been listening to nearly solely sondheim fare and the likes (or not-at-all likes, if you're michael snyder, because nothing compares to senior stephen). do I need to listen to "the ballad of booth" twelve times in a row?

II) why did it take me until my twentieth year of life to discover pepper jack cheese? it's cheese! and spicy! FUCKING SPICY CHEESE. run for president, mr. jack, I'm on board. delicious, delicious, cheesy board.

III) twin peaks might be one of the best television shows I have ever watched. ever. but you know what? I really can only watch one episode at a time when it's dark outside. because it's creepy - creepy like I've had nightmares the past few nights.

IV) morimoto made asparagus ice cream on iron chef. I saw this while babysitting on saturday night. moments such as these make me want to get cable just so I can watch food network.

V) I saw hairspray last night. it really wasn't great, but I had fun for the following reasons (AND LOOK LITTLE ROMAN NUMERALS):
i) zac efron. you are dreamy. gay-bee! gay-bee! can't you see I'm droolin' for you...
ii) elijah kelly's voice.
iii) "you'll be fighting whores for cigarettes" - allison janney.

L) yea, so what if it's not item fifty. someone explain to me why "L" is the roman numeral for fifty. it was on my mind for an inappropriate length of time today.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

photoblog - jersey shore

geo's beach condo. july 12-15, 2007.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

rocking the suburbs

I used to post a lot more. last summer, I think I wrote a blog entry nearly every day. am I a) lazy or b) busy or c) or having fun? am I doing all of these things!?

the suburb themed week began with my cousin's high school graduation party (saying that I'm going to be a junior in college remains a foreign phrase and leaves an odd taste in my mouth). talk about swank: filet mignon, lobster rolls, veuve cliquot, open bar where the grey goose flowed into pomegranate martini's like milwaukee best at all of the high school graduation parties I attended with friends. nothing is more hilarious than pre-frosh begging the bartender for more booze after they've been laughed at on multiple occasions and effectively "cut-off." ah, to be young again.

theme week continued with tuesday night into the fourth of july in westport, ct at caitlin shure's house. played my finest round ever of boticelli with michael and tom on the train (notable clues: "this ostensible activist actually hates ostriches:" lindsay bluth, and "this beloved childhood character took things entirely too literally, for example, hitting the road with a stick when asked to 'hit the road:'" AMELIA BEDELIA.) drank and was merry through and into the fourth.



tom "scared me straight" (irony?), and told me to "EAT SOME CHICKEN, BITCH!" and I did. and it was delicious. I celebrated independence day with a delicious array of meaty goodness: chicken, steak, and meatball pizza. while I will continue to enjoy a moderately vegetarian lifestyle (because 1) I eat better when I eat veg) and 2) hey, it's much cheaper not eating meat), I will no longer have problems at dallas bbq with finding a delicious meaty companion to accompany my gloriously gay AND HUGE beverage. and hello, hamdel. I remember your texmex sandwiches and mona lisa burgers well. I look forward to getting reacquainted.

the final stop on this wonderfully suburban themed train was the mother of all suburban destinations: junek's lakehouse. though I cannot effectively verbalize my feelings about the lakehouse, I will tell you what I learned there:

1) fireworks and intoxication do not mix. they just do not.
2) it's great to share a smile.
3) modern bride > jersey bride
4) sunset rose franzia + sprite zero = a delicious white wine spritzer that even iris grossman would envy.
5) the exposures on my disposable are sure to have captured nothing but what can be described as precious moments.

next on the agenda: few days then BEACH VACATION ALL I EVER WANTED!! I promise a photo blog.